Why should I teach?

I asked the Twitterverse:

“What would you tell a high school student is the #1 reason they should consider becoming a teacher?”

Here are some of the most poignant responses.

Education opens the doors to opportunity. By becoming a teacher you help people see what the world holds for them and make sense of it. Teaching needs to be a calling for you and you need to be willing to advocate for the profession. #teaching #edu
Why should a HS student consider becoming a teacher? ~ They have the opportunity to be a meaningful contributor to countless human learning journeys. Their work can inspire innovation, confidence and change in hungry minds, including their own.
It is a chance to make a difference every day and be remembered by kids for changing their lives #edchat #teaching
I think I would pose some questions to consider as they decide if teaching is right for them: do they love to read/learn? Do they love hanging out with kids? Do they love to experiment? Does change excite them?
It’s a chance to change the world every day.
Teachers are the fence around common sense that hold ignorance and apathy in abeyance. Teachers literally ignite the passions of children, our future.
Most rewarding profession out there #studentsuccess
If they feel called... they should run with that.

Now it is your turn. Leave a comment or tweet @ATeachersGuide with what you “say is the #1 reason people should consider becoming a teacher?”

If you are on the fence about whether you might want to become a teacher maybe some of my previous posts can help you in your decision making.

These posts might be useful to you:

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A Teacher's Guide

I am a National Board Certified educator currently teaching in Virginia. I have taught the following: English 9, 10, 11, and 12 (on academic, collaborative, and honors levels); Dual Enrollment English; Mass Communications, Yearbook, Newspaper, and Communications Technology. I have experience in five different school systems, four in Virginia and one in Maryland. I served as my school’s 2019 Teacher of the Year and was a top five finalist for the Teacher of the Year for Virginia Beach City Public Schools. I am passionate about recruiting and retaining quality educators in our public schools. Let me help you find your path to changing lives through teaching!

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8 Responses

  1. July 11, 2019

    […] Why should I teach? […]

  2. July 25, 2019

    […] Remind yourself Why should I teach? […]

  3. January 2, 2020

    […] Why should I teach? […]

  4. January 3, 2020

    […] Why should I teach? […]

  5. February 23, 2022

    […] Why should I teach? […]

  6. February 28, 2022

    […] Why should I teach? […]

  7. April 29, 2022

    […] Why should I teach? […]

  8. March 17, 2023

    […] Why should I teach? […]

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