Write for us

We are currently accepting guest post submissions! We want to hear about your successes, failures, insight, and expert future teacher advice. 

To submit your guest post follow the guidelines below.

Guest Post Guidelines

1) Posts must be written in clear and concise English

I will not share your post if I need to edit out multiple simple grammar and spelling errors.

2) The Target Audience

The target audience of this blog is high school students, college students, and career switchers considering pursuing a career in education as well as neophyte teachers.  They don’t come here to read career advice directed at Jane Anybody. If your article isn’t specific to future and/or current teachers, we’re not going to publish it.

3) Be an Expert (student, teacher, admissions officer, etc)

Share your expertise, something readers can’t easily find with a quick Google search. As stated by a blogger I admire, The White Coat Investor, “If your post is published you’ll be sure to be given credit with a link to your site/book, but if the main purpose of your guest post is simply to spread links around the internet, you’d be best served looking elsewhere.”

4) How to Submit

Email below. Please use the subject line: Guest Post

5) Do Not Submit Previously Published Articles

6) Timeliness

Once published, content says available an should be relevant for the foreseeable future.

7) DO NOT Plagiarize

8) Ideas For Guest Posts

Consider posting on the following subjects which have been requested by readers:

  1. Evaluation: How does teacher evaluation work at your school/division?
  2. Tax Deductions for teachers
  3. Scholarships for future teachers
  4. Loan repayment options for teachers
  5. Reviews of books relevant to this blog’s audience
  6. Your personal story of how you became a successful teacher or how you came to love teaching
  7. Finding your first teaching job
  8. Teaching jobs in other countries or your experience teaching in other countries.