Category: Should I teach?

Student perspective on teaching

It often feels like we are unappreciated or at least underappreciated as teachers, but what is the student perspective? What do students think is the most important traits in teachers? What do students think...

8 Reasons to become a teacher

1 – You will find a job Teachers are in demand. According to Forbes around “100,000 new teachers are hired in this country annually, and the number of school-age children is projected to rise.”...


Guest Post: Jaime Bonato, Ph.D.

Why I went for my Ph.D. and what I learned: A classroom teacher’s story I’ve always loved being a student. Always. I love the schedule, the structure, and the school supplies. I was hired...

Teach Better Team 0

Teach Better Team Podcast

I recently had the opportunity to chat with the Teach Better Team about motivating new teachers, changing the narrative around teaching, & pushing through fear. Here are all the places you can check it...

Recommended Viewing for future teachers 0

First year teacher documentary

Recommended viewing I highly recommend that future teachers watch this first year teacher documentary by Kansas State College of Education. Nothing will help ease your new teacher fears better than seeing that others have...

5 top colleges for education majors 0

5 top colleges for education majors

Education majors spend a mint to get their degrees, but don’t make a mint upon graduation. Unlike lawyers and doctors, who can look forward to six figure salaries, teachers need to balance the cost...

Teaching vs Nursing 3

Nursing vs. teaching

Individuals considering a career in education are typically compassionate, nurturing individuals. The same can be said for people interested in pursuing nursing. It is no surprise that high school and college students with these...