Category: Before you apply

What Looks Good on College Applications?

Guest Post by Mary Banks: Former Admissions Committee Member at Columbia University Now that you’ve chosen your target schools, it’s time to start the application process. What looks good on college applications? Keep reading...

Time to spruce up your resume 0

Time to refresh your resume

The first of the year hasn’t even hit yet, but now is the time for future teachers, career switchers, and teachers hoping to move schools/districts to revisit their resumes. If it has been a...


Chat with Dr. Sam Fecich

Edumagic author, Dr. Sam Fecich, and I chat about the future of education and readying the next generation of teachers. Check out the podcast here. Listen to the end for a chance to win...

Longwood 0

Hi, Longwood Future Teachers!

I am passionate about recruiting and retaining high quality educators to America’s public schools. I’ve only begun to breach the surface with this blog. I have so much more information, tips, and tricks to...

Teaching vs Nursing 3

Nursing vs. teaching

Individuals considering a career in education are typically compassionate, nurturing individuals. The same can be said for people interested in pursuing nursing. It is no surprise that high school and college students with these...