5 goals for new teachers
As a teacher in my 18th year, I understand the excitement and jitters that come with finishing your first semester. To help you close your first semester successfully, I’d like to share five goals...
As a teacher in my 18th year, I understand the excitement and jitters that come with finishing your first semester. To help you close your first semester successfully, I’d like to share five goals...
How to Prepare For The School Year as a First-Year Teacher Guest Post by LTF Recruitment Congrats! You are now prepared to start your teaching career in the classroom because you have the necessary...
Everyone knows that you don’t go into education for the money, but that doesn’t mean that money doesn’t matter. In fact, it matters more because we have less of it and therefore need to...
It often feels like we are unappreciated or at least underappreciated as teachers, but what is the student perspective? What do students think is the most important traits in teachers? What do students think...
Greenery is all the rage in home décor so why not bring plants into the classroom or home office? Not only are plants pleasant to look at, they can increase the air quality of...
I am updating the blog as quickly as possible, but it doesn’t yet contain everything in A Wannabe Teacher’s Guide: Getting Hired, Having Fun & Staying Sane. My goal is to eventually get all...
I always send parents an email on or before the first day of school so they know how to contact me and what to expect. As a new teacher you might be wondering what...
According to The Perdue Owl (note: The Perdue Owl is a resource you should be using often if you aren’t already), an employer will peruse your resume for no more than 35 seconds before...
Before diving too deep into this post, you will want to work through Step 1: Social Media Audit and Step 2 (Part 1): building a purposeful online presence. If you worked through Step 1 and...
Over the years, I’ve asked students on all levels what advice they would give a first year teacher and I’ve been blown away by their responses. Current teachers need you. Students need you. Our...