Tagged: new teacher

5 goals for new teachers

As a teacher in my 18th year, I understand the excitement and jitters that come with finishing your first semester. To help you close your first semester successfully, I’d like to share five goals...

What Looks Good on College Applications?

Guest Post by Mary Banks: Former Admissions Committee Member at Columbia University Now that you’ve chosen your target schools, it’s time to start the application process. What looks good on college applications? Keep reading...

10 Best Ways to Encourage Your Child to Learn

Image URL: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-reading-a-book-to-the-children-8613089/ Guest Post by: Tiffany Young Tiffany Young is a freelance writer, content strategist, and former graduate assistant. She writes about the latest developments in teaching, public policy, standardized testing, and educational...

Amazon finds for new teachers

Starting a new teaching job can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time, especially when it comes to preparing for the first day of school. With so many things to think about, it...

Saving for retirement

Retirement is a phase of life that most educators look forward to. Of course, we love our jobs, but we also love the idea of the freedom and relaxation that can come after our...

Retirement for teachers

Retirement account options (part 2)

Save for retirement beyond your pension The pension plans available through service to public schools are awesome. So few careers still offer benefits like these, but will your pension alone provide you enough funds...

Student perspective on teaching

It often feels like we are unappreciated or at least underappreciated as teachers, but what is the student perspective? What do students think is the most important traits in teachers? What do students think...